Arnold Ash selected as executive recruitment partner for NeoGames

Updated:2024-03-20 10:07    Views:107

Arnold Ash has been appointed as the executive recruitment partner for NeoGames Group, a provider specialising in iLottery and iGaming solutions.

This partnership follows a continuation of their collaboration, which commenced in 2021 and has facilitated the placement of several executives within the NeoGames Group.

The agreement secures Arnold Ash's role in sourcing and filling key leadership positions across NeoGames Group's operations. Its services will be retained on a long-term basis, in close coordination with NeoGames President Tsachi Maimon.

Jon Arnold, Arnold Ash CEO, said: “Tsachi Maimon and his team have delivered one of iGaming’s genuine success stories and we are proud to have contributed to them on the journey. NeoGames has a lot to look forward to and they are the perfect partner for a company in our position – an employer that the top talent from the industry and beyond wants to work for. We are excited to continue as a trusted partner for the business.” 

NeoGames President,Banker Tsachi Maimon, added: “We have engaged Arnold Ash for several years and are always impressed with its commitment to our growth plans by providing high-quality and professional leadership candidates. People are at the core of our success. The hires that we have made through the partnership with Arnold Ash have fit seamlessly into our team and this positive integration has been fundamental in enabling us to achieve our long-term goals.” 

In recent developments, NeoGames has extended its presence in the US market through a collaboration with the Georgia Lottery Corporation, offering a range of eInstants alongside existing Diggi Games.

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